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Seller Guidelines

Guidelines and Rules for Sellers

These rules apply when you share or sell products on

Provide content that follows our guidelines. is a place for members to share, sell, and buy educational material and resources.  You may post educational material that matches the types and subjects currently listed under the sidebar filters by subject and filters by type.  You may not post infringing resources, inappropriate content, services and non-educational goods, copyrighted resources or content, or resources directing buyers to another sales channel or website.  Don’t post resources that fall outside of these guidelines.  If you’re in doubt, let us know.

Be accurate and honest. Only sell resources that are original, and that you have produced yourself.  Don’t be misleading about what your product is or what it contains.  It is your responsibility as a seller to ensure that the products you sell are listed with accurate titles and descriptions and that all materials are listed and described accurately and truthfully.  Our community is built on trust.

Don’t direct users to alternate sales channels.  You may not post hyperlinks to alternative sales channels such as another online marketplace or e-commerce site on  You may include links to your blog if it is not an alternative sales channel.

Respect all intellectual property rights. All your resources must only contain material that you own the rights to or material that you have the right to use commercially.  This includes copyright, trademark, and other rights. When you add any and all resources to our services on, you represent and warrant to us and to members who may use your resource that you have the necessary rights to use all of the content you include in your resource, that neither nor any member will have to obtain a license or pay royalties to any third parties, and that the intended use of your resource by or a member will not infringe on anyone’s rights (including copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights, personality, publicity, or privacy rights).  We have adopted the policy in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to remove resources that are identified in a valid legal notice as infringing.  Additionally, we will close the accounts of Sellers who repeatedly violate this rule.

Fix technical issues and maintain access to your resources. Each resource you upload to our services must be completely accessible and in working condition at all times.  By offering resources for sale through our services, you agree to make sure there is undisrupted access to the resource, it is fully accessible, and in working condition always.  If any part of your resource is hosted on a third party, you must maintain your third party content at all times.  Furthermore, you may not require the purchase of any software, apps, equipment, or subscriptions not listed in your resource description.

By following these guidelines and all Terms of Service, and by being a respectful and kind community member, you are helping to strengthen and grow our services for the benefit of everyone.