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Made By Teachers

About Us

Welcome to, a digital marketplace for finding and sharing ideas and resources for teaching and learning. We provide teacher authors, artists, and digital content creators a place to collaborate and sell original educational products and resources.  All products on our site are digital downloads created and maintained by independent sellers. provides a venue for digital authors and artists to sell and promote their products.

We launched our marketplace several years ago in San Bruno, CA and later moved to San Francisco.   Our staff is small and tight knit, and while there are limits to a small staff, there are many benefits like being intimately involved in every aspect of running a marketplace.  We have a great staff, a wonderful community of sellers, and amazing members who support our educators by becoming frequent customers. 

We’re excited to continue growing, improving, and learning. With the help of educators and teachers from around the world, we plan to continue providing opportunities to collaborate, to learn from each other, and to improve education in the United States and worldwide.  

Our passion is to pursue a better world for everybody. Together we can make that a reality.

Thank you for being a part of our community of teachers and learners.